Sunday, 3 July 2016

Robert Baratheon started, and Shaw Academy course started

I've only managed to get an hour in of colouring this week for Robert Baratheon, but I really enjoyed doing his face. I think it's the closest likeness I've achieved so far, and I especially liked colouring his beard:

I'm really going to struggle to get any done this week. I started the Shaw Academy Graphic Design course last week. Lesson 1 I found pointless, as it was talking about the lessons due in the course, and a quick overview of Photoshop layers. Lesson 2 I found immensely helpful, and Shaw Academy have saved the slideshow as a PDF which I've since downloaded (I really wanted this as it has lots of good information on it). Lesson 3 was an on-demand lesson which was released on Friday, and I've only just got round to watching it today (Sunday). The first half I already knew (how to basically use Photoshop), and the other half how to make composite images, and using things like filters and effects. I thought this week's assignment was to make a composite image, but actually it was a test (I passed, 85%), but I decided to make a composite image anyway:

Who doesn't love penguins in the desert?
Anyway, I have 2 more lessons this week, plus I'm attending an Introduction to Yoga course on Tuesday. Together with catching up with friends will leave little time for finishing Robert Baratheon, but I will try!

Anyway, for my Pinterest of the Week, it's kind of art, but also a tattoo idea I've seen:

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