Sunday, 27 March 2016

Joffrey Baratheon finished, Sansa Stark started

Well, I mostly have Joffrey finished, I just need to sort out the length on his arms and add some hands:
And I have started Sansa, but I've only got the body shape down so far, which isn't interesting enough to post on here.

It's a long weekend here in the UK this weekend due to it being Easter, but I've been on holiday since Thursday (car had its MOT... and failed. It's OK, I got it fixed though). I was supposed to spend a big chunk of this weekend drawing, and instead I spent Thursday drawing for about an hour, then went out Thursday night in Nottingham (and drove!!). Friday I went for an 11 mile bike ride, interspersed with a couple of pubs and a trip to the local wildlife sanctuary:

What duck?

Saturday I went to the pub for the day (surprise surprise) and today I went to watch the new Batman vs Superman film. My verdict? It was OK. Better than what people are giving it credit, but it wasn't amazing. It didn't help I spent the first 2/3 of the film confused! I think I should've watched the last Superman film beforehand. Tomorrow is due to be bad weather, so I'll stop in, and *should* get some more drawing done. I'm about halfway there now with the line drawings, and I've sped up considerably. My longest character, Daenerys, took me 3 hours for the line drawing (she was the first character I drew), Joffrey took 1.25 hours. The quickest was Catelyn Stark at 1 hour.

I've spotted a good Kickstarter campaign that I'd love to back, but I'm skint at the moment, and to be honest I can do the same thing by scanning my art at work. You can find what I'm talking about here:

Anyway, that's enough of my waffling for one week. No plans mid-week next week, but on Saturday I'm going to see Muse, and I'm so friggin' excited!

So before I go, here's my Pinterest of the Week: I love the detail on this, how they've done the water droplets first before the rest, and it gives me hope that I'll be able to produce something this good with coloured pencils one day

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Ned stark finished

I've got round to finishing Ned Stark:
I'm not sure who to work on next, my plan was to have Ned & Catelyn stood together, so I'll need to add her into this drawing.

From my local library I borrowed a book: Reading through the Starting a Business in 7 Simple Steps. It seems OK, but as I just want to be a freelance artist much of it doesn't apply to me (such as employing people, I'll be on my own!). I think I have the basics understood now. I'd like to get a few paintings/drawings in my local art gallery, but I can't paint, and I'm not sure my drawings are good enough (I'm thinking of things like the Portrait of a Boy (, and the cat (

Aside from that, I don't have much to report on. As I spent so much last weekend (and went clothes shopping yesterday) I'm pretty skint. I'm only at work Monday - Wednesday this week, due to my car going for an MOT on Thursday, and then we have a long weekend as it's Easter. If the weather is good I want to go to the seaside, or go for a bike ride, if it's rubbish I'll hammer some more of these Game of Thrones drawings. I was hoping to have these finished for when season 6 starts, but as that's in a month, and I've only done 6 line drawings so far I'm gonna be pretty stretched to achieve that. I'm going to colour these in with coloured pencils, and I want to experiment with recording myself. I need to get some of these line drawings onto paper to do this though.

Well, that's enough rambling for one week, I'll leave you with my Pinterest of the Week, and it's one my well-known loves :) :

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Cersei Lannister finished, now struggling with Ned Stark's hands!

So I finished Cersei last week:
And I've made a start on Ned Stark, although I'm struggling to draw his hands, so I've left them off for now:
I went for my night out in Sheffield last night, and it was a blast, I had so much fun! I think everyone else did too. We went to a place called The Smoke for food, followed by a bit of light-hearted gambling in the casino next door (I managed to make £10 stretch for nearly an hour!). After that we had some more drinks and danced the night away. I don't feel too rough either today, especially because I mixed my drinks: rum, prosecco, wine and lager! Although I've found I have no patience for anything today, so I've kind of given up on Ned Stark.

We also went out on Friday night to our local pub, where a band called Smells Like The 90's was playing, and the music was very good, the singer changed his voice to sound like the bands they were covering, and we have everything from The Verve, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Rage Against The Machine and Nirvana.

Our lottery numbers didn't come up for the Irish, so I'll have to keep playing and hope for that win.

Well, I have no plans for the coming week, my boss's boss is leaving on Wednesday so the whole office is going out for lunch. I'll leave you with my Pinterest of the Week, the colours and level of detail is stunning!

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Struggling with Cersei Lannister

I've spent quite a bit of time on this, but I'm struggling with her face, and also her hand holding the wine glass:
I've spent more than an hour on this
I also know I need to sort the wrinkles out on her sleeve. I'm not sure if I'll get round to finishing her tonight, I went out for a meal and drinks with the family last night, and I'm feeling a little tired from it :)

As it turns out last weekend I managed to play 14 hours on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, as well as do other things such as cook a Sunday roast and wash the windows! I've only managed a more respectable 5 hours this weekend.

I've seen something else I'd like to buy in the future. I have some good conversations with my boyfriend on my drawing skills, and he's always telling me I'm better on paper than I am digitally. The Wacom Bamboo Spark seems like a good investment, and I will probably buy it one day. There's a review here:

Something else I've agreed with my boyfriend is if our 3 numbers come up on the Irish lottery again then we'll go to the British Grand Prix this year.

Well, that's it for this week. I have no plans during the week, but I'm going out with my workmates for an afternoon in Sheffield on Saturday. I don't think I'll get too drunk, but you never know!

And before I forget, here's my Pinterest of the Week: I've bought a watercolour set, I wonder if I can paint something as nice as this?